Mustika Fitri, M.Pd, Ph.D

Name : Mustika Fitri

Profession : Lecturers and Researchers

Date of Birth : December 20th, 1968

Years with Firm/Entity:  1998

Nationality: Indonesian

Membership of Professional Societies:

  1. Association of Indonesian Sport Science Study Programs (P2SIKI)

Detailed Tasks Assigned:

  1. Lecturers of courses: Gymnastics, Sports Pedagogy, Sports Sociology, Women and Sports.
  2. Research by the UPI LPPM
  1. Community service
  2. Head of the Department of Health and Recreation Education
  1. Head of the Sports Science Study Program

Key Qualifications:

  1. National Aerobic Gymnastic Jury Training, 2017
  2. National Poco-Poco Jury Training, 2018
  3. Applied Approach Training, 2008


  1. Doctoral Program, Sport Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia 2016
  2. Master of Education, Postgraduate Sports Education, Indonesia University of Education, West Java, Indonesian, 2007
  3. Bachelor of Education, Health and Recreation Education, Indonesia University of Education, West Java, Indonesian, 1994
  4. Bachelor of Computer Science, Information Systems, Polytechnic LPKIA, West Java, Indonesian, 2009

Employment Record:

  1. 1998-Present, Lecturer Indonesia University of Education. Task: College Tridharma
  2. 2017-Present: Head of the Department of Health and Recreation Education & Head of the Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports and Health Education (FPOK) Indonesia University of Education.
  3. 2016-Present, Aerobic Gymnastic Engineering Commission PERSANI West Java
  1. 2017-Present, General Secretary ASIAFI West Java
  2. 2017-Present, General Secretary PERSANI Bandung
  3. 2019-Present, Deputy Chairman for Organization FORMI Bandung

Selected Publications:

  1. M Fitri, NA Novan, F Dewi. 2020. Motivation Levels for Youth Participation in Recreational Sports: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Influencing Factors. 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 270-272, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  2. M Fitri, HA Nur, W Putri. 2020. The Commemoration of Independence Day: Recalling Indonesian Traditional Games. Frontiers in Psychology 11, 3355
  3. M Fitri, MI Gumelar. 2020. The Intimidation of Trainers: Prompting Martial Arts Athletes to Practice. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga 5 (2), 201-208
  4. M Fitri, U Rahmi, P Pitriani, A Sulastri. 2020. Efektivitas senam vitalisasi otak terhadap kebugaran jasmani pada lansia demensia. Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran 6 (2), 364-374
  5. IAP Lestari, M Fitri, K Sultoni. 2020. The Impact of Water Aerobics Program on Cardiorespiratory Fitness. 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 295-298, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  6. I Taufiqurrahman, A Suherman, K Sultoni, M Fitri. 2020. FICO (Finding Coach): Android-Based Application. 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 260-262, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  7. HA Nur, A Ma’mun, M Fitri. 2020. The Influence of Traditional Games on Social Behavior of Young Millennials. 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 251-255, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  8. CL Nastiti, M Fitri, K Sultoni. 2020. The Impact of Water Aerobics and Aerobics Dance on Body Mass Index and Fat Percentage. 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 247-250, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  9. NF Indriani, M Fitri, K Sultoni. 2020. The Effect of Aerobics Dance and Water Aerobics on Muscle Endurance. 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 242-246, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  10. LD Tamher, M Fitri, P Pitriani. 2020. Aktivitas Fisik Animo Wanita Masa Kini dalam Menurunkan Berat Badan. Gelanggang Olahraga: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Olahraga 3 (2), 189-196
  11. K Sultoni, M Fitri, IAP Lestari, N Fadlillah, C Lestari, R Risma. 2020. MENINGKATKAN HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS MELALUI WATER FITNESS. Gelanggang Pendidikan Jasmani Indonesia 3 (2), 97-105
  12. R Ferdiansyah, I Imanuddin, M Fitri. 2020. Dampak Kelelehan terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan di Dalam Permainan Futsal. Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia 10 (2)
  13. M Fitri, J Jajat. 2019. The Phenomenon of Women’s Body Mass Index. 3th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 139-141, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  14. M Fitri, D Budiana, A Suherman. 2019. Inductive Learning Methods towards Learning Outcomes. 3th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 222-225, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  15. S Ugelta, M Fitri. 2019. The Modern Rhythmic Motion Pattern as the Content of the Rhythmic Activity. 3th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 293-295, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  16. MR Mauludin, M Fitri, N Sutresna. 2019. Improve Student Behavior Respect through Learner Model TPSR Judging from Assertiveness. 3th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019). Pages 333-335, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  17. K Sultoni, A Suherman, M Fitri. 2019. The Effect of Physical Activity Levels on Health-Related Physical Fitness of University Students. 1st International Conference on Education Social Sciences and Humanities (ICESSHum 2019). Pages 271-276, Publisher: Atlantis press.
  18. EA Nickytha, M Fitri, K Sultoni. 2019. Comparison of aerobic and anaerobic abilities between kata and kumite athlete in karate. Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran 5 (2), 184-197
  19. S Dewi, I Damayanti, M Fitri, S Ugelta. 2018. Pengembangan Media Video Latihan Olahraga Kesehatan Bagi Masyarakat Umum Berbasis Web. JTIKOR (Jurnal Terapan Ilmu Keolahragaan) 3 (1), 40-46
  20. M Fitri, K Sultoni, N Salamuddin, MT Harun. 2017. Sports Activities High Performance Athletes Muslim Women in Indonesia and Malaysia. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 180 (1), 012213
  21. K Sultoni, M Fitri. 2017. Health-related fitness knowledge and its relation to college student physical activity. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 180 (1), 012212
  22. S Dewi, I Damayanti, M Fitri, S Ugelta. 2017. Pengembangan Media Video Latihan Olahraga Kesehatan Bagi Masyarakat Umum Berbasis Web. Jurnal Terapan Ilmu Keolahragaan 3 (1), 40-46
  23. P Hapilan, N Kusmaedi, M Fitri. 2017. PERBANDINGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN PELATIH DAN ATLET TAEKWONDO. Jurnal Terapan Ilmu Keolahragaan 2 (1), 38-43